Alex Hormozi’s Latest $100m Investment In Skool Has Changed The Creator Economy Forever (Here’s Why).

Michael Lim
4 min readFeb 15, 2024

Papa Hormozi just broke the internet (again)

Well-regarded for his business acumen, Alex announced on his Instagram that he just made the largest-ever investment into Skool.

Via Alex Hormozi’s Instagram

What’s Skool? It’s an online community platform that was created to grow the online micro-education business model.

Most importantly, it’s the largest investment he has ever made.

But more than the size of the investment is the significance of the investment. Alex Hormozi is betting big on the growth of the creator economy and online micro-education businesses.

Here’s what this means for you.

The creator economy is only expected to grow

I’m going all-in on the creator economy.

Ever since stumbling into this world in 2019, I’ve slowly become more and more obsessed. The ability to monetize my passion, work with cool people, and create a life based on freedom is enticing.



Michael Lim

I help 9-5 workers start a one-person business without quitting their jobs. Start building your 1-person biz here -> 🚀