Hey friend 👋,

The day I got promoted to Director in my 9-5 job was the saddest day of my life.

I had worked my ass off for the better part of 18 months chasing this goal. Overtime, late nights, stressful clients, taking on more than I can handle. I had burned myself out countless times all to achieve this one goal.

But finally, the day came.

My coronation to the big leagues. I was about to become a Director. All the hard work, and long hours. Blood, sweat, and tears.

“It’ll be all worth it” I kept telling myself.

The day came. I woke up with a smile on my face. I was congratulated by my boss and team.

And then came:

“Here are all the new responsibilities you’ll have.”

“The people you’ll have to manage.”

“And the clients you’ll have to please.”

Congrats. Here’s a 10% increase for your troubles. (*But you’ll probably have to work additional hours and weekends). You’ll probably be making less per hour than before. Soz. See ya later.

I saw other Directors around me working long hours. Dealing with crap clients and managing overly sensitive team members. I looked above me and only saw more of the same.

Just more hours. Was this it?

I should have been ecstatic. I became a Director at 26 years old. But I was miserable. I called my best friend crying. I knew that this wasn’t what I wanted anymore.

When I finally signed the new contract, I was broken down inside.

I felt like I just signed away my soul.

The moment my boss congratulated me, I felt empty. I knew that I didn’t want this. I knew I wanted to quit. I knew I wanted to build my own thing. I felt like a fool.

I quit 4 months later.


This experience led me down the road of entrepreneurship.

Shortly after quitting, I jumped headfirst into the world of one-person businesses.

I always knew I wanted to build a business.

But I won’t sugarcoat it. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

I f*cked up so many times. Stumbled backwards and forwards. Had sleepless nights filled with anxiety. Woke up in cold sweats.

But after 14 months of this journey, I’ve stumbled across a new mission for my life.

It might sound cheesy. It might sound corny.

But I feel like I was put on this earth to:

Help 9-5 workers start a profitable one-person (online) business without quitting their jobs, so they can have more freedom, money, and impact

This is my ‘why’. This is my vision. This mission guides everything I do.

From the products I create to the articles I write. I feel like I was put on this earth to help others realize how they can achieve their potential by starting their own business.

This is my ‘why’. This is my vision. This mission guides everything I do.

From the products I create to the articles I write. I feel like I was put on this earth to help others realize how they can achieve their potential by starting their own business.

But here’s where I think differently to the 99% of gurus out there:

I don’t believe you need to quit your 9-5 job to do so either.

I don’t believe you need to move to Bali and live as a digital nomad.

I strongly suggest you don’t do either until much later (and only if you want to)

But here’s what I do believe:

- It’s never been easier to be an entrepreneur, even part-time.

- Everyone will be in the creator economy, it’s just a matter of when, not if.

- Through the internet, you can create a six-figure one-person business alongside a 9-5 job.

I’ve seen countless people do it.

Eve Arnold, Ali Abdaal, Tim Denning.

These are all people I respect and admire.

I've done it myself.

I am nowhere near as successful as them, but I've created a space on the internet for myself. And created a life I never thought possible.

It’s never been easier to be an entrepreneur, even part-time.

Through the internet, you can create a six-figure one-person business alongside a 9-5 job. And trust me when I say this:

If I can do it, you can do it too.

Back to my story.

Truthfully, you don't need to quit your job to start a one-person business.

I advise people against doing this.

Sounds hypocritical, I know. Do as I say, rather than as I did.

Instead, find another job you like and build a one-person business on the side.

Interested in knowing how to do it, I've created a resource for you:

Medium member since March 2019
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Connect with Michael Lim
Michael Lim

Michael Lim

Friend of Medium

I help solopreneurs add $2-5k to their one-person business through Positioning & Limitless Writing System™ | https://michaellim.ck.page/crashcourse 🚀